Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wahoooooooooo! What A Ride!

Wahoooooooooooooooo!  I hope you are having one heck of a summer ride so far!! Our retreat was a huge success thanks to soooo many of you showing up and giving it your all…it is truly appreciated and noticed (even by the big dogs J)!  I hope you have a better understanding of our Ron Clark vision that we will be building (you especially will after you finish your summer homework…reading the Essential 55 book J). I am going to  enjoy us being a school of SHARKS vs. goldfish at RMS, and I know you are enjoying your new TOY!  I expect you all to come back techie experts and ready to share exciting apps and how you are going to use this amazing tool in your classroom this year!  If you weren’t able to make it, (some of you let me know ahead of time…and some of you didn’t…I want to reiterate my expectation of communication).  If you had prior plans or things that just came up, I understand that, and do appreciate those of you that let me know ahead of time.  If you did not give me a courtesy email or call, I do ask that you please let me know in the future.  Each of you is a key player on our team and we want (and need) you involved in every aspect of it!  Being united creates a bond that no one can break down and being surrounded by people that trust you and have your back is what I want RMS to be all about!  Lastly, back to the quote…I hope that you are taking some time to have LOTS of fun with your families, your friends, and even some time to yourself to recharge your batteries!  I assure you come late August we are going to be sliding in sideways…eating chocolate…drinking (something J)….and yelling WAHOOOOO on every Friday afternoon! Ha-ha  Have a marvelous Monday and week team!  Let me know if you need anything! 

I found this website with ipad tips and tricks…maybe you will find some useful to use with your new toy!

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