Thursday, March 28, 2013

Determined to find my "SPARK"LE!


After a tearful and bitter sweet goodbye at Velasquez, my second home for the past 7 years...and my all time favorite school family... the week before Spring Break, I had decided that I was gonna have to "cowgirl up" and MAKE IT HAPPEN! living up to my positive petunia attitude, I hit the ground running on day ONE of my newest adventure of opening my district's 4th sixth grade campus, Polly Ryon MS.  I'm thinking we are going to be the Longhorns...maroon the Jr. High and High School next door...hence the coffee cup)  Since the building will not be ready until June, we (my secretary and I...the only two official employees so far) are housed at the admin building in a couple of small offices in the back forty.

So picture this...armed with a few supplies, some glittery pic frames, my signed copy of the Energy Bus by Jon Gordan,  my GIANT handmade glittery zebra "SPARKLE" banner...yes's huge, my going away book "Keep Calm and Stay Fabulous", a VES "family" pic, a 40 oz bag of gummy bears,  and my sunshiney attitude...I was ready for my new ...scary... and exciting adventure!  (Notice my "sparkle" sign is so big...that's the light switch below it...that the "LE" is hidden behind my door when it is open! (So in hindsight, I think it was really a "subliminal message for the "spark" I was gonna have to bring...I just didn't know that yet! haha)

So after I was all set up....what to do????  I had NO CLUE!  One thing that is a must for me is to laugh...YES...a good belly laugh...even an occasional snorting kinda laugh! This is is something that happens on a daily...make that hourly basis at VES!  A natural high that is def good for the spirit and yes...even productivity at work!  Happy people can move mountains...I know this, I have seen it happen every year at school!  When you are a family...sure you get irritated at each other..but at the end of the end of the are family (you spend more time with them almost than your personal one) and you love them and care about them and would do anything to help them out when they are in need!  My new "area" was so "quiet" hyena laughing, finding the "funny side" of each situation, or no saying good morning...or Hola morning phrase (and some didn't even answer when you said it)...I felt like I hit a wall...a brick wall of doubt. Is this the real world?  If so..."beam me up Scotty"....I need to go back into my "positive spinning bubble".  This was gonna get old fast!   

I am THE ONE...yes "that ONE"...that boss that always pushes my peeps out of their comfort zone, a place where the ripest fruit is...a place that is BEST for kids...and possibly uncomfortable for adults!  In taking this position...opening a new school...a secondary campus...and creating another HP culture I KNEW it was going to be a major challenge...and I wasn't naive to the fact that I would be out of my comfort zone A LOT!  But what the heck...I didn't expect it BEFORE I got in the new building!  I started questioning what I was thinking...I just left a place where people came to work...even on the toughest days and still smiled and gave 110% for kids...and had fun doing it!  So what did this Positive Petunia decide to do??? SULK!  That's right...and to add insult to I was sitting there letting "Negative Nelly"  invade my friend Lupe walks in.  He came to see how my first day was going and tell me he was sorry he didn't get to stop by on my last day to wish me well.  He may never come back...since him being nice to me created the tidal wave of tears....way more than he came by for...I'm sure!  But like a trooper he reminded me that I had made the right decision and it would get give it a chance.  He told me that he was sad when I told him I was leaving Velsaquez because it was such a cool place because of me and that I can do it again, so just give it some time.  He basically reminded me of the quote above!  Poor guy!  If I was him... I would have never come back..but for the record...he did...not sure if he was really having to "fix" things...or was thinking I was about to have a nervous breakdown and he didn't want to have to witness that!  Whatever it was def appreciated!  That's a friend right there...and that kind of thoughtfulness was just what I was looking for to light the fire...still just a small "spark"..right under my booty! (I took his pic...right next to my  glitter sign) lol 
Shortly after that, I received a text asking if I had lunch plans...I was still in my sulking phase and replied no.  The message that came back was...."Well now you do!  Pick where you want and I'm buying in honor of your first day on the new job!"  It was Dave "Speedy" Squires, my new CITS for Polly Ryon...he has been such a huge help with all my ordering...especially with my technology plan and getting me organized...I am SOOOO a work in progress there...I should be buying him lunch!!  He claims to be allergic to glitter...but just to prove my point I have placed my guest chair right under the "sparkle" sign...and he hasn't busted out in glitter hives as of yet.  I keep reminding him it is an acquired taste...and he will get there eventually...took his pic...I think we are progressing, don't you?   ha-ha
The rest of my first day was uneventful...I did have to bust into my gummy bear stash...a couple of times (my stress reliever) and I went home still wondering if I had made the right decision.  What I would later find out is...I have. 
So here was my day 2 a campus principal I have learned that no day is EVER the same...and it is def NEVER you have to be able to roll with the punches and be willing to change directions at any given time when it comes to your campus.  I do love that about my job...that and getting to have fun with the kids and staff!  Most of all you ALWAYS have to remain calm and at least ACT like you know what your doing.  So that's one of my issues...I am in uncharted territory, even though I have opened a campus...I haven't done it as a principal on DAY ONE of planning stage.  So one thing that I need is to feel busy...little ADHD HP must keep moving...sitting idle is no bueno for me!
Researchers say that one negative person can suck the energy and productivity right out of an this is going to be my motto for life! Right Ana...aka little Cutie!?!?! 
This day started off slow again for me...and I felt that "Negative Nelly" trying to sneak her way back in..that is until a bubbly little "family"down in the "community relations" department invited me down again for coffee! If you want a shot of positive energy...that's exactly where you need to go...they are pros!  It will be a daily stop for me for sure! After I filled my cup of joe and my energy tank, I headed back to my office.  What to do...what to do...UGH...I DON'T know what to do!!!!!  Again I questioned what I was doing here...and then the phone rang...    
It was the "HUGES" least that's what the caller ID said!  Ahhh voice of reason.  He asked how things were going and of course the water works were right on the brink of another Niagara Falls moment.  I told him my sad...sappy...woe is me story about how it was so different and how I wasn't sure I could do this.  Basically he listened...probably he was multitasking...and pretending to listen...but what actually happened was an "ah ha" moment for me. He reminded me that VES didn't START the way I left it...I created it (7 years worth) and I needed to understand that in ONE day's time...I cannot expect to walk into someone else's creation and have it HP's way...this isn't  "Heather King".  This is the first thing that made sense and I can't tell you how appreciative I am to have him as a friend and colleague!  (Don't tell might go to his head!)  In the end...this was the pivotal SPARK that motivated me to keep going and take responsibility for myself and the energy I am bringing in each's going to be...positively GLITTERY...I can't help's in my veins! :)
So day three was really the beginning of HP's adventure...kicked off my morning with a technology meeting at Reading Jr. High, was able to hug a couple of my former Wildcats in the hallway, and then did a site visit to Polly Ryon is really coming along!! I could feel my "spark" coming back!   I even tried out my office...thinking I'm gonna need a nice comfy chair (Right Erin?)  Gonna be a beautiful campus, and I can't hardly wait until June!

Then Julie and I were treated to homemade Ruebens for lunch...first time I ever had one...but Squires was cooking and I must say he did a great job.  They were yummy...of course SOME people would say he was kissing up...(umm right P-daddy?) I prefer to call it "building a productive work environment"  We have to eat right!??

As the week went on...I had a lunch invite from my new "community relations" family....below is the ring leader, Mike and def one funny guy!  No, that's not his EPI's hand sanitizer...doesn't everyone carry that in their front pocket!?  Got a few belly laughs with this bunch for sure!

Ana...aka cutie pie...aka scentsy rebel....aka smiley...made Julie and I laugh at least 100 times this week...wouldn't want to be up there without her for sure!!! Who can resist this smile???
Then my week wrapped up with "Mr. Funny" buddy Creighton!  He always makes me laugh...with those crazy eyes!  He stopped by since he had a meeting down the hallway and even donned one of  my boas to entertain me!  As, you can see, I am so lucky to have great friends to bring me back to reality and light that HP "spark" right back up...even when it is in the "flickering" state!

 So in the START wasn't as strong as my finish! But what do know is I am choosing to take responsibility for the energy I bring in each day...and I'm gonna use my little HP "SPARK" to leave a trail of everlasting  "SPARKLE" when I walk out of the building in June!  Tune in next see where my glittery adventure bus takes me!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

VES Family...Priceless!

As my FINAL Friday Mush…I’m gonna write about my FAMILY….my VES FAMILY, that is!  As Ron Clark taught me…you have to recognize that your STAFF is the HEART of the school…so hire the BEST and NEVER settle!   So that is what I have done this past 7 years…created a machine…a machine that is so “in-tuned”…it can run without HP at the wheel…it’s not the driver…but the passengers that are getting it done!  Sure it takes a mixture of things…the dedication to making a difference in the lives of children, a caring heart, and a “never give up” attitude that all kids have the ability to learn…and that’s what I hired! So a mixture of emotions is running through me as I write this.  I am soooo sad to leave the family that I have cried with, stressed with, ate with, drank with, and most undeniably laughed…aka snorted with on a daily…make that hourly basis…but I am SO HAPPY to know that I am leaving my wildcats in GREAT hands.  We all know that we can’t put a “price” on a moment….so as the VES success machine I need you to continue creating those MOMENTS that will have a LASTING impact on those little Wildcat lives!  Tomorrow I will be doing a few of those things …den point celebration, high fives to the Good Morning song, and dancing out the door with them at 2:30…priceless memory making moments! These are the instances that touch us (yes, both the kids, and us) deeply and will stay with us forever!  These moments help us become who we are, understand what we believe in, and shape how they will see the world. Not only do you need to KEEP on creating those “moments” you have to continue to “define your expectations and then raise the bar...the more you expect the better the results will be!” (Ron Clark)  As a Ron Clark guru…aka stalker…I too believe that you GET what you EXPECT from people…kids and adults!  The higher you place your expectations…the better the results will be…hence that SWEET Blue Ribbon designation you all earned!  Do not ever lower your standards and if you ever feel that the kids just can’t “do it”…then it’s time for you to get out and find a new profession.  They WILL perform where you EXPECT them too…wanna know why I know that??? Because I have continually set YOUR bar through the roof…sometimes “unattainable” goals it seemed to the common eye…but with persistent perseverance and a positive attitude (at least in front of me) you hit the mark each and EVERY time!  I believed in YOU …and you HAVE to believe in THEM…yes even when they are difficult and resistant…keep pushing them!  I’m not going to say goodbye…I’m going say…”See ya on Friday!” Since I fully expect to see each and every one of you EVERY Friday when you visit Polly Ryon in the fall! My new extension is #4702 if you get bored in the mean time! J  Please meet in the kiva for about 15 min at 3:00..I want to STEER you all into spring break the right way!  BTW…Dougie is now blogging all his “mush and flush” stuff and has convinced me to do the same…I am not going to be writing daily like I have these past 2 ¾ years…gonna take a little breather…but I will be writing about my new adventures in opening my next campus…and some inspirational stuff along the way…I have no doubt it should be some funny stuff if I’m involved…so enjoy the “comic relief” on the PRMS Positive Petunia “RIDE”!  This is PP signing out…until next time! J         

Here’s mine:

Here’s Dougie’s if you start having withdrawals…he posts on Mondays and Fridays

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Creating memories…If you want to KEEP your memories, you first have to LIVE them!  Boy have I ever been reminded of this today!  Since this afternoon I have been reading and rereading my memory book that you all gave me for my going away present...and all I can say is WOW! Every picture brings back a fond memory, (and almost always a chuckle…we are some funny peeps!)  Every comment left a “footprint” on my heart, and I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have been driving your Energy Bus for the past 7 years.  “Passengers” like you have helped me arrive at my next “stop” with a smile on my face and a memory in my heart!  I’m not going to say it’s my final destination…because I have no doubt that I will have many more “stops” along my path! So I KNOW that in the end…it’s NOT as much about the destination as it is about the TEAM you are on the journey with!  I couldn’t have imagined traveling this far with anyone else, and hope that you too will continue on YOUR journey to achieve all of your hopes and dreams…we already know failure is not in our vocabulary…so I know you will do amazing things on your “stops”…and I want you to keep in touch and let me know about it!  Remember, you only have ONE ride through life…so give it all you got and enjoy the journey! Have a terrific Thursday Rock Stars!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Believe in them!

I believe as educators, we have the hardest, most impactful, and rewarding job in the world!  No matter how we feel when we get out of bed…our attitude and putting the best foot forward is critical to our wildcats success.  It is our job to give 100% each and every day…because we have little lives that depend on us!  Not only is it about the teaching…it’s also instilling the “BELIEF” that THEY can achieve the impossible by putting their minds to it!  I know this sounds crazy…but I have seen it over and over again…half of being a “success story” involves dedication, effort, and knowledge but the other half (the most important half in my opinion) is BELIEVING that you can do it! Again and again I have seen our wildcats OUTperform their “cogat” scores…purely because they feel that their teachers believe in their ability to be successful…it’s MAGIC!  Kids that feel supported and loved will go to the ends of the earth for us!  This video pretty much sums up…sure it is dedicated to “moms”…but since we spend 6+ hours a day with our students, I feel we are basically the same thing to our students!  We are quickly approaching our first round of testing and our kids need to be told OVER and OVER again how much we believe in them…what could it hurt…it’s half the battle WON…and the rest will be up to you and those ROCK STAR teaching strategies!  No time to slow down yet!  Keep your focus on the students and not on the obstacles and keep creating that VES magical success story.  I believe in each and every one of you…and count my lucky stars to have been your leader for these past 7 years! Have a Wonderful Wednesday Rock Stars!      

Watch it here!

Monday, March 4, 2013

This is such a true statement.  If you put your mind to it…you can do anything!  The power lies in BELIEVING in your abilities!  We can’t all be experts in everything…but what we “CAN” do is hone in on our strengths and talents.  For example…I may be good at talking to people…yes, even the wall…but I am…let’s call it  “organizationally challenged”.  That’s why I surround myself with experts in the field…to keep my head above water and point me in the right direction!  The point is…we ALL have strengths and when you combine those strengths on one get MAGIC!  That’s you...too many times we talk ourselves out of what we can achieve, or allow someone to impose their “can’t do” beliefs on us!  We must stop the energy vampires (either in our own heads or someone else’s negative opinions) in their tracks! Check out “Tim”…talk about a ball of energy that didn’t let anyONE...or anyTHING stop him from achieving his life goals…a dream he had since age 14!  Love this story…thanks for sharing Sara!