Monday, January 27, 2014

SCHOOLS...a PR Job? Sure!

Customer service....have you ever thought about what our school "rating" would our staff, parents, and kids? What would your own personal "rating" our parents and kids? Well, wait no more...the district surveys are back in. The ones that you filled out on RMS and me, the ones that parents filled out about all of us at RMS, and the ones that our students filled out about all of us. It was very interesting, and def worth sharing with you at our Wednesday meeting this week. You can look at it in many different ways...but the one thing you must have is an "open-minded" attitude to be willing to listen and read between the lines...especially if it is a suggestion that will make our team and school stronger and better! Lots of good info to be taken out of it. Areas we are doing well, areas that we need to grow in, and some areas that are well...just "nitpicky never gonna make some people happy" areas. It reminded me of a video I had seen earlier about "Johnny the bagger"... since KIDS are our customers!

Overall, people LOVE this school and the direction we are headed. Sure we have some work to do...but that's to be expected with a new school...heck even existing schools have lots of work to do! It's about the journey...if you are here for the kids, here to be open to new and exciting things (even when you are uncomfortable) with the best intentions to build this team to make us the "most requested" school in LCISD...then you are def in the right spot! Hang on tight..the road is bumpy at times, but in the end we have each other to "refasten" our seatbelts and help us back on the bus when we stumble and fall out the window a time or two! When you watch this video...I want you to reflect on what your personal "signature" of customer service is. What's that one "extra" that you do because you love kids and are here to help them succeed no matter what? I would love to know what that is, if you would like to share. I KNOW (because I have personally seen it in some of your rooms) that I have some "Johnny's" right here at RMS! I appreciate you SO much for that...and so do others! (hence the survey comments) :) Have a marvelous Monday team! :0)

Below is the inspirational story of Johnny, a 19-year-old bagger with Down syndrome. Johnny decided to personalize his service to his customers by dropping a thought for the day in each bag. His spirit of service transformed the store.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The WORD Itself Says.."I'M POSSIBLE"

If you build it they will come! We have all heard this saying before...but it is even more personal for us! With the "opening" of RMS we are making 6th grade history. We are in the process of "building" a culture and vision like no other. By making the CHOICE that we can create a new and exciting way of reaching our kids...we are setting the bar sky high for every other school that opens behind us...and even some of the ones that are already open. :) By thinking out of the box...with new and different ways to engage our kids, the building of personal relationships, days sprinkled with a little fun and laughter, and with an UNWAVERING BELIEF in ALL our kids (no matter their story) we will most certainly reach extraordinary results in year one!
This video reminds me of us with our "out of the box" Exploratory classes, our paying it forward vision, and our never giving up on kids attitude. It's all about MIND over MATTER...we can accomplish whatever we put our minds too...but we must fully COMMIT to NEVER giving matter how dire the situation seems at the time. This time of year is more important than ever, so grab a "lifesaver"...buddy up and be prepared to surf the waves of doubt! We are a campus that has a vision of matter what we come up against...together we WILL not only survive...we will THRIVE! Don't let the naysayers get you down...just let them know that everything was impossible...until someone had the courage to JUST DO IT! That's us....we are gonna DO IT! In doing that, we must ask ourselves...."Are the things we are doing right now making a difference in our students (and our co-workers) lives?" If not...we need to reflect on what WE must do differently...yes, US...our actions...not necessarily the kid's "issues". The adult actions (all of included) are where the results will come from. Sharing IDEAS...and strategies that are working with your students...that's where the magic is!
Come May, I expect to see scores like never before...scores that will set the bar higher for all the grades following us at the junior high and high school. We must RALLY around each other, and be ok with asking for help when we feel like we are sinking. We can't let pride get in the way...this is a sure fire way of drowning. (I'm speaking from experience here) It takes a village...and everyone pulling their weight to get to the finish line...everyone is accountable for their own piece of the puzzle and now more than ever it is so important to give it all we got! Break through moments are happening all the keep going team! :) I believe in what you are DOING...and all WE WILL be accomplishing our first year as the RMS Longhorns! I hope your extra long weekend was just what you needed to kick-off the second half of the year...and "get er done" in the 3rd nine weeks of school! Your extra effort of planning, using those new strategies from the training, and continuing to build those relationships is noticed and VERY appreciated, thanks for that! Have a terrific Tuesday...a four day week! Wahoo!
Check out the video...that sparked this weeks mush!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Notice Similarities....But RESPECT The Differences!

Have you ever thought about how different we all are? And did you know that's a GOOD thing! Every one of us (and our kids) have unique qualities, struggles, and personalities! To form a ROCK solid team, you must have a little bit of everything! If everyone was exactly the same personality as each of "US" (even though "we" think we always "know" best)....that would be a recipe for disaster. Let's be real....some of us are rigid, some are easy-going, some are procrastinators, some are impatient, some are go with the flow, some are glittery (no eye rolling), and on and on and on... Our RMS team is comprised of many differences...we have task oriented people, people that are the "out of the box" thinkers, people that organized, people that are persistent, people that are dreamers, and people that ALL MUST have ONE thing in common....the BELIEF that we CAN and WILL accomplish the IMPOSSIBLE with our kids! (Don't take this the wrong way...but if you don't truly believe that...why are you here?) No matter WHAT it takes...I expect to see scores that out produce everyone else...and I'm not settling for anything less. (Get ready...those student progress meetings are coming)

With all these "differing" qualities in ourselves and our kids...we must make a decision to ACCEPT that not everything will be done the way "we" would have done it, and that is long as we were successful as a TEAM in the outcome! We have to be flexible...when it is good for kids. (even when it messes up our schedule a bit). There is no "I" in team...just can't do it alone! So this video of Tara and Bella is a true picture of what being a TEAM is all about! They are completely different...yet they show us what rallying around each other, loving each other, trusting each other, and forming bonds that are unbreakable is all about! They show us that by working together and by leaning on each other when we are frustrated or out of ideas...that we CAN do long as we work together! They show us that with no SECRETS...and no PREJUDICES we can accomplish anything and have each other's backs at the same time! We must look past the things that seem "different" or not the "norm" for us...because we NEED each other! We need a campus of "Tara's and Bella's"!

Here's the video....something to learn from for sure!

If you're is an update video on the duo...the true essence of friendship til the end.