Sunday, June 30, 2013

FIRST Impressions LAST!

I read this article on a blog over the weekend, and I felt it was perfect for our Monday motivator!  Before we know it August will be here and with that comes FIRST…and LASTING impressions.  I have been walking the building the last week and am so impressed by the time many of you are already putting into your rooms.  I love the color, posters, and warmth they are radiating…that’s a great first step to earning some “raving fans” from our kids and parents.  Our building, and classroom are so important, for first…and lasting impressions.  If they walk in an feel “at home” then we have done our job.  No one likes sterile environments…unless you are in the hospital!  J  Since you have a little time left before the chaos begins, I wanted you to start thinking just HOW you are going help create RMS raving fans.  What is your classroom going to look like….feel like…sound like…etc??? Is it noisy because students are engaged…then that is great…or is it because you need to make sure you have routines in place to bring order, and allow high levels of learning to take place? Our main goal is to get student buy-in…foster the relationship first…and you will find it is a lot easier to accomplish everything else!   Now is the time for the creative wheels to start spinning…if they are anything like mine…they never stopped!  Enjoy the blog…I changed it a bit to make it a little more “RMS-ified”.  Hope you are enjoying your time off, and thanks for tuning in!  Have a marvelous Monday team…you have already made quite the LASTING impression on me!!     

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Why First Impressions Matter
Jimmy Casas

When I was little, my parents always made me introduce myself to their adult friends or guests whenever I was with them. I never quite understood why.  Afterwards, they would give me feedback on how I had handled the introduction.  I usually received comments such as “you didn’t shake hands”, “don’t look down, look them in the eye”, “smile when you greet them”, and “don’t’ say huh, say excuse me.”  This was a routine that would become common practice through my teen years.  Eventually, it became my mode of operation. So much so, that when I had my own children, I did what many of us do, I kidnapped my parent’s practices and made them my own.  To this day, I always remind my children to introduce themselves and then proceed to tell them what to do and what not to do when meeting someone for the first time.  However, no longer does it seem like a chore to me or even routine.  I finally figured out what my parents were trying to instill in me; that you get one chance to make a first impression so make it count.  Over the years I watched my parents go out of their way time and time again to make their guests feel appreciated and treat them as though they were the most important people in the world. To this day, I do my best to live up to that standard.

We approach the application process with the intention of establishing a meaningful relationship and an emphasis on making a positive first impression.  As RMS, we are going to be an organization that expects excellence in everything we do, it is critical that we reach out to our students and parents as though they are the most important guests that ever walked through our school doors.  Our mindset is simple; we want every student, parent, and colleague, that walks through our front doors, to reflect back on their experience with us and say, “I wish I could work/go to school at Ryon Middle School. They are first class!”

As leading educators, we must be purposeful in modeling the behaviors we expect of our students and parents and set the standard for how we do business in our schools from the very first introductions starting on August 8th. By doing so, we are setting the bar high for a positive and productive first year!
Ask yourself, how do you positively greet your students, parents, and each other on a daily basis?  If asked, what would they say about you or us as they leave our building?  My expectation is that they in awe…at all the amazing things we have going on!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wahoooooooooo! What A Ride!

Wahoooooooooooooooo!  I hope you are having one heck of a summer ride so far!! Our retreat was a huge success thanks to soooo many of you showing up and giving it your all…it is truly appreciated and noticed (even by the big dogs J)!  I hope you have a better understanding of our Ron Clark vision that we will be building (you especially will after you finish your summer homework…reading the Essential 55 book J). I am going to  enjoy us being a school of SHARKS vs. goldfish at RMS, and I know you are enjoying your new TOY!  I expect you all to come back techie experts and ready to share exciting apps and how you are going to use this amazing tool in your classroom this year!  If you weren’t able to make it, (some of you let me know ahead of time…and some of you didn’t…I want to reiterate my expectation of communication).  If you had prior plans or things that just came up, I understand that, and do appreciate those of you that let me know ahead of time.  If you did not give me a courtesy email or call, I do ask that you please let me know in the future.  Each of you is a key player on our team and we want (and need) you involved in every aspect of it!  Being united creates a bond that no one can break down and being surrounded by people that trust you and have your back is what I want RMS to be all about!  Lastly, back to the quote…I hope that you are taking some time to have LOTS of fun with your families, your friends, and even some time to yourself to recharge your batteries!  I assure you come late August we are going to be sliding in sideways…eating chocolate…drinking (something J)….and yelling WAHOOOOO on every Friday afternoon! Ha-ha  Have a marvelous Monday and week team!  Let me know if you need anything! 

I found this website with ipad tips and tricks…maybe you will find some useful to use with your new toy!

Writing Our Chapter 1!

I am so excited to have our FIRST retreat tomorrow with our RMS family…and to top it off in our NEW HOME!  This is a HUGE time in all our lives! We are starting a book… “The RMS Ride”  With all new things, comes CHANGE…and change is never easy…even for me!  So I wanted to share with you a personal example of just that.  I have a blog that I write in off and on, and I wanted to share with you the post I wrote right after I walked out of my “comfort zone” of VES to create something new, needed, and exciting for our 6th grade kids!  It was a roller coaster of emotions and not all happy petunia moments either…with change comes fear, tears, anxiety…lots of different emotions.  I know some of you are having these same feelings right now.  Just know it is totally normal and we will get through it together and support each other.  You are going to be a part of a team…in every sense of the word.  We will work together, support each other, and talk about how we can improve and shine like a DIAMOND on the ranch! We are raising the bar, and by working our tails off, keeping an open mind, being positive, and EXPECTING success we will be writing a BEST SELLER!  Have a marvelous Monday team, see ya at 8!  Enjoy my emotional roller coaster…and remember I too had to choose FAITH over FEAR!  So it get it! J  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

This Is Your Life....Make It Count!

Well, well, well….sweet summertime has finally found its way into your busy schedule! I love this quote, because it really makes us reflect on our life!  Life is short…too short!  If we always put things...and our loved ones…off to the next day…it may never happen.  Tomorrow is never promised and time is the one thing we cannot stop or get back.  So my wish for each of you is that you take some time this summer to refill your energy bucket.  Go see your extended family that you hardly have time for during the year, spend time with friends, do some traveling, or just sit on your patio in your pj’s sipping your favorite coffee in peace and quiet…and enjoy your LIFE!  You work so hard for our students during the school year and a summertime break is a “perk”…so LIVE IT UP, you earned every minute! Thanks to all of you that are using some of that time to attend staff development to enhance you’re classroom for RMS’s inaugural year!  I really appreciate it!  I will be visiting the Interact peeps tomorrow afternoon, and can’t wait to see what exciting things you will be learning!   I wanted to give Tim a shout out tonight…Georgie sent this email to me..

“I thought you should know that Tim single handedly move the sixth grade teachers boxes down to the choir room. He was such a huge help in it was unimaginable to see the kindness he showed us in the final days at Reading. Thank you for putting me back on his team. What a true gentleman.”

This is the kind of “team” I LOVE being a part of!  One that will do anything to help another person out, and not expecting anything in return!  Tim you rock and are the first person to make my BRAG BOARD!  Thanks for jumping in and making a difference in a stressful time of year…it was noticed, appreciated, and just flat out AMAZING!  Keep it up team and have a marvelous Monday!  J 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Life Is Too Short To Be Anything But Happy...So Exit With GRACE!

Congrats…you made it!!!!  Last week of school! I wanted to share my thoughts on “exiting with grace.”  Each of you have been a VALUABLE part of the RJH Longhorn family for the past three years.  As with any job that you have been at for any length of time there are always ups and downs.  There are memories (some good...some bad), relationships (some positive...some negative), learning curves (some steeper than we first imagined), and then of course, the huge invaluable impact on students futures you have had over the past 3 years.  So when I reflect on these quotes above, it reminds me that everyone crosses our path for a reason, everywhere we go (and work) was for a reason, and everything that happens to us….was for a reason, even if it’s not clear to us!  I believe each of you were all placed in 6th grade for a reason…that reason being…I NEED YOU….my open-minded passengers on the extraordinary RMS Energy Bus ride!!  That’s right!  You are now going to be surrounded by people that make a conscious effort to FOCUS on the GOOD stuff!  Administrators that want to grow a family atmosphere!  We are after all, the RMS family…we are a team….a loyal team that will always go the extra mile to help each other out, always maintain respect for each other (both in and out of school) and always have each other’s backs.  We all have baggage…some of it is even our own…we must leave the baggage behind.  As the quote suggests…there is gonna be so many “funny” moments…I am a walking comedy act…all by myself (not sure if this is curse…or a blessing…ha-ha) but beware…you might just laugh so hard you pee your pants.  I hope Ms. Wilson  has an extra change of “adult” clothes!  Lol  J I believe in always giving 110%, pushing our kids further than any curriculum, maintaining “Mt. Everest” size expectations,  building those lasting relationships with our kids, parents, and each other…but NEVER forgetting that we MUST have fun (lots of fun) along the way…and never, EVER give up!!! J   As you are wrapping up your final week at RJH, let’s handle ourselves with grace.  You are already setting the tone for RMS…so smile, be respectful of everyone that you are leaving behind, pack up the baggage and leave it behind.  You have a wonderful (well deserved) summer break coming right up, and the luxury of coming back to an amazing journey on the “Happy Happy Happy….and a little Cray-Cray-Cray” RMS Energy Bus!  Have a Marvelous Monday Team!