Monday, February 3, 2014

Effort Is Like Toothpaste....You Can Always Squeeze Out A Little Bit More!

Did you know that at 211 degrees water is 212 degrees it BOILS...and with boiling water comes steam...and steam can power a locomotive!? What does this have to do with us you ask? A LOT! This video link all about what just ONE degree of "effort" in the way we do things...can pay off exponentially with our RMS kids and in our personal life, as well! The line between failure and success is SO FINE that we....are often ON the line and don't even know it. So the next time you are ready to throw up your hands up and say..."I quit”...pray for a little more patience and decide to give just 1 degree MORE effort. (even if your brain tells you that you can’t…don’t listen) I know this is easier said than done...and I struggle with it as well! But when you REALLY think about degree is NOT gonna kill us and according to Vince Lombardi, "Inches make a champion!" I think he might have known a little about that in his field of work! :) It’s not about the LONG race...our job is about many short races...and with these short races all it takes is PERSERVERENCE. In the end...the difference between success and failure is not HOW you look, HOW your dress, or HOW you've done it in the past...It's about the HERE and NOW and HOW YOU THINK! Let's pull together and reach down deep inside and find that EXTRA degree that can ensure that every outcome can be a SUCCESS STORY! Have a marvelous Monday team!
Click here to see what I'm talking about! :)

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