Sunday, May 12, 2013

My RMS Roadtrip...Gonna Enjoy Each Day and Not Bring Any Baggage!

Are you ready for our road trip?  When I became principal at Velasquez 2½ years ago I made a vow to always try to find the silver lining in things…no matter the situation.  Don’t get me wrong…some days are wayyyyy harder than others, and NO I don’t wear rose colored glasses…but I def ALWAYS strive to turn an obstacle into a success.  In this endeavor, I started sending my staff...which is really my at-work family a daily….yes daily…motivational email that they would have EVERY morning when they opened their email to start their day off right! I send these the night before…so if you are an early riser…or a night owl…you might be in luck… I usually send them out around 9-10pm..when my kids are tucked away in bed.  Most include a quote/video and how it pertains to me, us, our jobs, our families, many different things…just something that I feel needs to be shared!  I even share things that you will send me…that’s where many of the BEST ones come from…so send away!  I am very proud to say that I have never missed ONE day (in 2 ½ years) in sending these emails to my staff…it was definitely hard some days…but when you train yourself to find something positive in everyday…it can be done!  (It takes 21 days of consistently doing something to form a habit…did ya know that?) Scared yet????  Ha-ha  Now, I am feeling really comfortable with most of you since we have met a few times and even painted together (that was a blast by the way)…so I feel that you are ready for me to start what I am going to call my “Monday Morning Motivators.”  I am only going to start with Mondays…don’t want to freak anyone out quite yet!  (also a request from some of my former VES family…they said I need to build up your you don’t jump off my energy bus just yet!  ha-ha)  It is very important to me that we build strong working relationships full of trust, respect for others opinions, and a passion to always do right by kids…no matter how hard it is on us.  I will always have your back and I expect to have the same respect from you.  We may not always agree, but as professionals and now family…we must address the issue…first discreetly with the person we had the disagreement then if needed, I will address it with everyone.  We all make mistakes and make decisions hastily before our brain has a chance to catch up with our mouths… me included…but how we handle those situations totally depends on our character…and that is something that is essential when you are part of the HP team! As we are starting up our RMS “road trip”…let’s make a pact to look for what is going to go “right” and leave the past in the past…that includes the baggage too…let’s not worry about a “potential” problem….until it is actually a “obstacle” to overcome.  Did you know 90% of what we worry about never happens…so save yourself an ulcer! Lol  I expect you to give 110% to the kids (academically and in building positive relationships) while you are at school, and I promise to give you the same.  I promise to communicate my expectations, ask for your input, and appreciate you to pieces!  I’m gonna end with something that a passer-by said to me last week... as we (Julie, Michele, and I) were making the labels, bagging the Goldfish, and tying them up for your last Monday meeting treat.  They said, “You know, they sell those in individual bags and then you could just throw them in a basket at the door, it would be soooo much easier.” Here’s the point….I know that already….but I want OUR JOURNEY to be “EXTRA-ordinary”... one that is fresh, new, and detail oriented to show you that I am willing to go the “extra mile” for you…because I need you to go the extra mile for our kids!  I am never about easy…and I will ALWAYS be about kids!   Thanks for all you do, and I hope you have a marvelous Monday!   Lastly, my “mush mails” that someone once named them…are written with lots of voice…lots of ellipsis…and might have a verb tense wrong every once in a while…depending on how late I write them and how many interruptions I have by a cute little 5 year old firecracker.  Sorry about that in advance…I will try and not be quite so wordy on the rest, just wanted to explain why you were getting some random quote email from your crazy new administrator!  J   Hope your weekend was amazing!               

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