Sunday, December 15, 2013

Refilling Your Own Cup....It's Essential!

Well, this will be the last Monday Motivator of 2013...I can't believe we are about to start 2014! And with a new year...comes new and exciting things...and in order to stay on top of all the new and exciting things we must take a little time to "refill our own energy cup". That's what my hope is for all of use the "GIFT" of time-off to SLOW down, leave the school stuff at school, and spend some much needed, (never promised), yet very deserved quality time with your loved ones. This is an ESSENTIAL piece to success and being able to come back and finish this inaugural year strong. If you don't take a little time for you...then you can't give your best to our Longhorns...and that is why we are here! So drink up the relaxation, and come back ready to hit the ground running, and "pour" that great teaching onto our kids, because we still have lots of work to do. :)
With that being said I found this video and it immediately reminded me of how I want (and strive) to live my giving back to others. It demonstrates how powerful it can be when we take the time to find out "a little bit" about people...our kids...their families...and each other! So, sure...we can't create the SAME thing on this scale...but it doesn't have to be so's the "LITTLE" things that matter most! Building strong relationships with each other and having an attitude of gratitude is what it's all about. It's about taking care of business when one of your teammates is out, having no sub available and giving up your conference period for the team (like blue team this week), it’s about a simple thank you when someone does something for you, it’s about Core Team working hard (shopping and preparing) to make all the small daily treats happen for the 12 days of RMS Christmas, it's about Kynzi &Tim & Stu-co running the Jingle Horns clothing drive for Common Threads to give back to our community, and in the's about EVERYONE pulling together to swim in this O-CEAN of first year chaos, excitement, and fortunately most days at LEAST one laughable thing to keep us sane! That's the "little" yet "so important" things that keep all our heads above water! Thanks for all you do and please KNOW that the extra effort you give is noticed and appreciated! Have a marvelous Monday team!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Procrastination Buster!

Procrastination Buster Mind Map by Jane Genovese Procrastination Buster
Ahhhhhh...better late than never! Right??? Wrong! I must work on treading my O-cean water better!
 168...did you know that is the number of hours available to each of us every week???
Let's walk it through for the majority of us. We might give 60 of those hours to sleeping and staying clean (grooming and bathroom ... 8.5 hours a day). Another 50 or so are invested in our work and commuting (average U.S. one-way commuting time according to USA Today is 25.5 minutes). That leaves us with 58 hours each week to apply wherever we'd like.

I find that pretty exciting...because that's FOUND time! (something that I always seem to be in need about you??) If we are lucky enough the LOVE our what we are doing with the kids each day...we can make it a paradise...well maybe the next best thing! When you can actually laugh each day with the people you are in the trenches with....that makes it a whole lot easier to get up on those days...that your hand and the "snooze" button seem to have a magnetic attraction.
Here's something to reflect individuals, what are we doing consistently to better love what we do and the people you are around each and every day? As a leader (admin, leadership role, department head, etc)...what are we doing consistently to help our people better enjoy their work and the people around them? Are we doing anything to make it worse? Truly happy people tend to be more engaged and make better things happen ... better results, better relationships, more opportunities. And, that's more enjoyable for everyone.
Here is a video on procrastination and how to "eat that frog"...something that I ALWAYS need a reminder of! Hope it helps you too...if you struggle from the same "illness" every now and then! Have a terrific Tuesday...can't wait to show off all your "skills" to the other principals tomorrow! :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

You Have Far MORE Inside of You Than You Ever Knew!

In case you forgot....YOU have far MORE inside of you than you ever knew! Every day is a new day to fill our kids up with the knowledge and encouragement to KEEP GOING!! Every day is a fresh start and new opportunity to reach even the toughest kids! After a nice Thanksgiving break with your family and friends to refill our energy's now December 1st and time to hit the ground running...we only have 15 more days left in 2013 to fill in the gaps and pour in tons of great learning for our Longhorns! The sky is the limit...if you just give it your all and BELIEVE! The reality is ALL HEART from here on out, TEAM! If you believe...and commit to giving your best each day...the dividends are priceless! You are helping write the success stories of our kids...EVERYTHING you do matters...from the rock star teaching strategies to the believing in them even when you may have a doubt...YOU are the key to their success! Keep pushing...even when you are tired or can do it! Together we WILL make a difference...mainly because failure is not an option...and I refuse to give up on kids! So teach on....believe on...and NEVER, EVER Give Up! (You will be astonished by your results...just like in this video!) Have a marvelous Monday...and thanks in advance for giving it your ALL for the next 15 instructional days!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gratitude Is My Attitude!

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I want you to know how grateful I am for each of YOU! Thanks for swimming in this first year O-CEAN with me and 9 times out of 10 finding SOMETHING to laugh about! That is a great example of having an attitude of gratitude! We can always find something that is wrong...and complain about. (see the reality of that in the picture above) But have you ever thought about how many things are going RIGHT? There are so many. I know they may not always jump out at you...but they are there! The time and effort many of you are putting into forming those relationships with our kids...this act will cause them to work "THAT" much harder for you in the future, because they don't want to disappoint you. (yes, even the stubborn ones...that don't always show it) and for that...I am grateful! The extra time you are putting into planning out stations and small groups...for that...I am grateful! The willingness to tweak your current plans to add technology and more hands-on activities ...for that...I am grateful! Giving up your conference time to meet, plan, and learn new ways we can engage our kids...for that...I am grateful! Reading your emails....for that...well it's a work in progress...but I will definitely be grateful! :) ha-ha! This Thanksgiving break I want you to practice having an attitude of gratitude! Did you know that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships! A state of gratitude, according to research by the Institute of HeartMath, also improves the heart's rhythmic functioning, which helps reduce stress and helps you heal physically. Gratitude is simply great medicine for our heart, mind and body. And like anything in life, the more you practice gratitude the more natural it becomes. Gratitude is like muscle. The more you do with it, the stronger it gets. So flex your gratitude muscles by practicing the following 5 ways to give thanks during this Thanksgiving Break! These tips came from my "other" man...Jon Gordon...some really good stuff! These are all things that we can practice right here at RMS...give it a try! BTW...they say it is physically impossible to be BLESSED and STRESSED at the same I'm definitely willing to give it a shot! :) Have a marvelous Monday team!
5 Ways to Show Thanks by Jon Gordon
1. Thank You Walk - Simply take a 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for. It doesn't have to be complicated. Simply start with the things that you are blessed with each day... the ability to take a walk, to talk, to breathe. As you walk, shift your thankful thoughts to those you love, your job (even if it drives you nuts), your kids, your garden, etc. This one walk will shift your energy for the entire day by not only placing your mind in a state of gratitude but by also adding a boost of physical exercise to energize your body.
2. Meal Time Thank You's - On Thanksgiving, or just at dinner with your friends and family, go around the table and have each person, including the kids at the little table, say what they are thankful for. Try this for Thanksgiving!
3. Gratitude Visit - Martin Seligman, Ph.D., the father of positive psychology, suggests that we write a letter expressing our gratitude to someone. Then we visit this person and read them the letter. His research shows that people who do this are measurably happier and less depressed a month later.
4. Thank You Prayers - I was recently talking to my Grandfather who is 89. He sounded so upbeat and happy. I asked him what his secret was. He said 95% of the time he prays two simple words, "Thank You." And only 5% of the time does he say "Give me a break, God."
5. Every Day Thanks - Sometimes we forget to thank the people closest to us. It's easy to take people for granted. Just start thanking the people closest to you on a daily basis. Thank your children. Thank your spouse for the little things they do. Thank your co-workers and employees. Thank the security officer in your building. Thank the employees you interact with at the grocery store, the post office, the bank, etc

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Be Different...Be BOLD...Go For It...Live With NO Fear!

Photo: Mrs. Patterson traveled to the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta these last couple of days.  Look who she got a hug from...the one and only Mr. Clark!  He is the author of The Essential 55...the rules that inspired our RMS Longhorn Essentials! She is bringing back A LOT of energy, better get ready!Photo: Ms. Gurske, RMS ELA Coach, snuck in a quick hug from the infamous Ron Clark during our learning experience at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta these past couple of days! She can't wait to share some amazing ideas with our staff to ensure our RMS students find new levels of success.
"EVERYTHING we do is personal! How we talk to each we work we prepare for the day (for lessons/meetings)..It’s all personal! As you surely realized I was MIA the last three days of last week. I had an amazing opportunity to rekindle that "fire" I have deep in me by the one and only Ron Clark in his "house" at the Ron Clark Academy. I was asked during the summer if I wanted to tag along with another principal and one of her amazingly talented teachers to visit the RCA once again. Of course I jumped at the opportunity and asked Cindy to jump right in with me, along with the other 3 LCISD 6th grade principals. Since the Essential 55 and Ron Clark himself are such a huge part of our culture and vision at RMS, the training itself was paid for, but that was it. Everything else (food/hotel/transportation to and from Atlanta was all out of pocket for each of us). So not a cheap trip by any means....but one that will change EVERYTHING about you and truly rekindle that love for education that we all once had! How you look at education, how your teach kids, how you build the relationships with them (yes especially the tough ones), how to engage at the highest levels, how to effectively use the time you have each day for bell to bell teaching, and especially how to push kids to levels you never knew they could reach because YOU pushed YOUSELF to those levels and you truly BELIEVED in them! That's what my man Ron is all about...high expectations...for the kids, staff, and most importantly...HIMSELF! If you don't have have nothing and you will never find success! He reminded me that we must continue to push ourselves to discover new things and always...BELIEVE even more than is wise! Everyday...make that every period in your rooms.... our longhorns are learning something more valuable that they can get in some book! We are teaching them...and most importantly...they are teaching US! (Are you open letting them? We can't let pride get in our way of doing what's right for kids). If we are..then together we will learn to "LOVE TO LEARN"! If we are pulling out all the stops and giving 110% every day...then they are going to walk out of our school realizing that they can do ANYTHING they choose with their lives...because of the positive "imprint" we have made on their life! Here is a little reminder of what I was just talking about! :)  I am full of energy and fired up about what I saw! Have a marvelous Monday team and don’t forget to BE BOLD!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

FOCUS on Your Potential....Instead of Your Limitations!

Wow, what a rough two weeks it has been! The bright side...we've made it 1/4 of the way through our first year together...and we are still standing...or swimming, depending on how you look at it! At our meeting on Wednesday we discussed TBU... “True But Useless” information. So this article by Jon fits perfectly in with where we are headed! We are starting a brand new nine weeks...and we must tune into our "zoom focus" to reach our goals! Zoom Focus helps us turn our ideas and goals into reality and results. Zoom Focus helps us focus on our priorities, execute, and create success while leaving the TBU info behind. Zoom Focus helps us take daily steps towards our big picture vision.
There are several steps for us to get there…
1. Creating our BIG picture vision…These are our teams goals…our hills to die on…it takes actions on everyone’s part to achieve this. Every RMS team member must contribute equally for this to happen.
2. Ask One Question…”what are the 3 most important things I need to do today? Now, commit to getting it done everyday before you leave.
3. Tune out Distractions…execute and accomplish you daily goals…then embrace the distractions (sometimes these distractors are what keep us sane) J
4. Busy….we are ALL busy…ask anyone what they need and they will most always mention...they need more hours in the day. We ALL need more time…but that's TBU...we can't increase the hours in a day but we can utilize the "zoom focus" method so we can achieve our goals and priorities within each 24 hour period.
5. Improve Daily! None os us are perfect...we can all improve! We must be “process” focused...take the necessary action steps…allow the data to drive our decisions and the results and growth will take care of itself!
Zoom Focus by Jon Gordon
“Vision without Execution is hallucination” – Einstein
I believe every one of us has a desire to accomplish great things, to do something meaningful, to have an impact. Yet, so many of us don’t take the actions necessary to create the success we desire. Then there are others who are very busy taking actions but the actions have nothing to do with their vision and goals. They’ve become lost in the busyness of life.
I have found that the key to individual and team success is to Zoom Focus. Zoom Focus helps you turn ideas and goals into reality and results. Zoom Focus helps you focus on your priorities, execute, and create success. Zoom Focus helps you take daily steps towards your big picture vision.
Now more than ever it is a time for action. It is a time for getting things done. It is a time to tune out the distractions and the noise from the doomsdayers and the naysayers and focus on what truly matters and what truly will help us create success. In this spirit here are a few ways to put Zoom Focus to work for you and your team.
Create your Big Picture Vision – This might be a goal or a dream. It might be a project that needs to be completed or a sale you are trying to close. It might be a company objective or a team mission. It might be a book you want to write, an initiative to improve your community, or a championship you want to win. Identify your vision and then you’ll be ready to Zoom Focus and take the necessary actions to get you there.
Ask One Question – Each day when you wake up in the morning ask the question, “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?” Then each day take action on those three things.
Tune out the Distractions – Turn off the television. Stop answering the phone. Don’t answer the email right now. Talk to your friend later. First, get things done. Execute, accomplish and then feel free to embrace the distractions.
Say No and Yes – My friend once told me, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” He reminded me that we need to stop scattering our energy and wasting our time on trivial things that have nothing to do with our vision and goals and start saying yes to our priorities and to what truly matters. Each day we must make choices and those choices including saying “no” to people and opportunities so we can say “yes” to the work we are meant to do and the success we are meant to create.
Focus on Daily Improvement – I see it in sports all the time. Teams focus too much on winning the championship and forget to Zoom Focus each day in practice. They are outcome focused not process focused. The key is to focus on improving each day and take the necessary action steps. If you incrementally improve each day, each week, each month, each quarter by the end of the year you’ll see remarkable results and growth. When you Zoom Focus on the process the outcome takes care of itself.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The POWER of Connection!

Love the quote from RIta....she was such an amazing woman..that left a ripple affect of GREATNESS! We have all had "that one kid" that in hindsight we would have handled the situation much differently...if only we had known the circumstances. We wouldn't have been so quick to sharp with our short with our patience...if we had "only known" what that kid/family was going through. Well the lesson in that is...we may NEVER know what that child is going (or gone) through...but if we treat each student daily with respect, dignity, and always keep an "eye" for what they are doing right vs what is going wrong...then we are "doing right by kids". We must continue communicating the high expectations we have here at RMS with our kids and parents. A very wise woman, once asked me...would you want Sydney Kate (who is my oldest daughter) in "that" teachers classroom...why or why not? Have you ever thought about it? Would you want a teacher to talk to YOUR kid "just like you do?" If the answer is no...then NOW is the time to change are hurting the kids. If the answer is yes...then you are a better person than me...I made plenty of mistakes like this when I was teaching and even when I became an AP. My tone would get the best of me, until I was shown another way to lead. It's not the yelling and condemeing that makes kids (and adults for that matter) follow the rules. It's actually the relationships you build with those people...the trust that forms..that's the "golden ticket". People (and especially kids)don't like to disappoint people that love and care about...and this is very important with our students. So tommorow...find that kid that you have almost lost hope in...and rekindle that flame in him/her...and most importantly be their CHAMPION...and NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP on them!. Thanks for all you are doing..we have almost made it through the first 9 weeks....keep paddling friends...the current is strong! Have a marvelous Monday and enjoy this story that I borrowed from a good friend...hope it speaks to you as much as it spoke to me! :)
Just Trying to Get Through...
Ryan Kennelly. There is always a reason why you remember their names, even when you've known thousands, tens of thousands of names. Ryan Kennelly. Football player. Second row. Third seat back. This is all I knew about him after the first six weeks of school.

I didn't know the color of his eyes. I didn't know that he loved to read. I didn't know his mom wasn't around. I just knew if he didn't care enough about language arts to stay awake in class, then I didn't care enough to wake him up. He had an F at midterm. That happens when you never complete any work. The afternoon after midterm reports went home, I flicked off my classroom light and turned to find a man standing in the classroom doorway. Ryan Kennelly stood behind him, his head down.

"Mrs. Ayres? I'm Ryan's dad." The work boots on his feet,along with his jeans and shirt were coated with dirt that can only come from hard work. He shook my hand. His hands were rough, but his fingernails were clean. "I wanted to talk to you about Ryan's grade."  His eyes were kind. He reached behind him and put his hand behind Ryan's shoulder, gently moving him up to the conversation. I noticed Ryan's eyes were the same warm brown as his dad's.

He wasn't the parent I expected for a kid who sleeps in class. I stumbled through explaining that Ryan didn't complete any work, so he was failing. Mr. Kennelly nodded. He squeezed Ryan's shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. "Why didn't you call me?" I didn't know five words could be filled with such disappointment. I couldn't answer him because the truth was so wrong:I didn't think you'd careHe spoke again, "Now he can't play football. It's the one good thing in his life right now.We're just trying to get through. If I knew, then I would have helped Ryan get his work completed. I just didn't know."

My stomach twisted, knowing the mistake I made was because of my own misjudgment. "I'm sorry," I said. Then I gave him the work which Ryan brought to school complete the following day. I went to the principal and admitted my mistake, showing Ryan's current grade now that the work was turned in. I wrote a letter, asking for Ryan to be allowed to return to the football team.

It's a mistake I didn't make again.We're just trying to get through, Mr. Kennelly's voice haunts me from time to time. Now, fifteen years later and a mother to four, I know what he meant.
Tonight I had a meeting with one of my kids' teachers. She's a first year teacher and, like every first year teacher, is making some mistakes. I'm on the other side of the table this time. I hope my eyes are kind.  For the entire meeting I can't shake Ryan Kennelly from my mind.
I extend grace.

"Tomorrow is a new day," I said. "Let's just be glad we're not brain surgeons. They don't usually get a second chance."  The new teacher smiles, even laughs a little.It's going to be okay.This is education at its finest -- learning and growing from our mistakes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Favorite Teacher....What Teacher Changed Your Life?

Whew!!!! So this past week was one of my toughest yet. I needed at least 5 clones of myself...I kept getting drug under by the "currents" of craziness! Sometimes, no matter how much you are trying to look at the glass as half FULL and stay positive...some days will just be tough! The lesson have to BELIEVE that's going to happen and REALIZE that a bad day...even week... doesn't mean it's a bad life! I love this job, and swimmming in this OCEAN with some of the best "scuba divers" in the world...makes it do-able on those tough days!! We have to lean on each other sometimes...and admit when we are struggling! We are in this together...and together is where the success is! As Annie said, "The sun will come out tomorrow"....and boy was she right! My "sun" was a weekend, some beautiful COOL fall weather, and a cup of pumpkin spice coffee! Sometimes, we have to walk away and know that tomorrow is a new day...a day FULL of life changing possibilities...a day that we WILL be that "person" that changed a student's life! I found this video on Soul Pancake about people talking about their favorite teacher and telling why they were. Was it the knowledge they gave? The rules they enforced? Nope, what they remembered was the ones that "cared"...ones that were "good men".... "let them be way too silly"...."let them do projects with things they drawing"..."pick and choose own assignments"...were "supportive and lifted them up"....was "personable"...was "imaginative with a deep heart"'s that "care, cause you can't fake it" and lastly ones that "LOVE THE KIDS"! That's us....we HAVE to be here for these reasons! If you're here to collect a paycheck, you are in the wrong business...and on the wrong bus. This job is way too stressful and important to "coast"...we are changing lives just by showing up each day! So my expectation (and always will be) that we are doing the RIGHT thing and striving to get better everyday not because it is easier for us...but because it is RIGHT for kids! That being said, I want to say thank you for all the kid's lives you have touched in the past...all the kid's lives you are touching right now...and for those kids that will be lucky enough to have you in the future! I am proud to be your leader and promise to keep striving to be better at my job, (I am a huge work in progress) but maybe one day someone will say I made an impact on their life! My favorite teacher was Mrs. Burns in first grade, she was loving, supportive, taught me to love reading, and even gave me my FIRST spanking for chasing my friend Holly under the bathroom stalls! lol Oh, yes...I was "that kid"! Now, I have one question for you....who was your favorite teacher and why were they? I would love to hear about it! Shoot me an email! :) Have a marvelous Monday team...btw...I found some Pumpkin Spice I can spread a little "sunshine" onto you in the morning too!! See ya in the coffee room for a cup of "pumpkin-shine"! :) Enjoy the video!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What DRIVES You To Carry On?

Hey team, I have a question for you! How do you make it it through your day? Make it from one place to another? One task to the next? What DRIVES you to go on? I hope when we are talking about our's the kids! Everything we do is focused on ways to help them achieve and show them that the skys the limit! It's not the pay...or the hours of planning...or the paperwork...that keeps us coming back. The fact of the matter is, we are all here because we KNOW that we can make a difference. It is so important that we are building our kids UP...letting them know that their "DRIVE" can take them anywhere. Our tone, our body language, and our words...can make or break Team RMS I choose to "MAKE" them! Make them feel that we expect them to give their best...everyday, and that we wholeheartedly BELIEVE in their talents and are here to do "whatever it takes" to ensure that we are setting them up for the "DRIVE" of their life! Check out this video...and share it with the kids...they need to FEEL Richie Parkers DRIVE. Too many times we allow our mind to take over our thoughts...when it should be our heart! Our BELIEFS must be greater than our DOUBTS! Kids will out perform their IQ everytime for a teacher that believes in them. So never, ever give up...even when the going gets tough. (that's when they need you the most ) We can do are the right people for the job! Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Walk Your Talk!

So todays motivator was taken straight out of a few fantasy football draft videos! Since we are the RMS Longhorns (and as long as I am driving the bus) we will continue to PUSH hard and BELIEVE in ALL our kids...I think you will find some great messages in what these pro football players are saying. (I know I did) For example, they talk about finding balance (my word), trusting your strengths and instincts, you never know what you are capable of until you try, and my favorite (courtesy of Andre Johnson)...ACTIONS always speak louder than words! As educators we must play on our strengths (even admitting that other ideas might be better than ours, so we might need to talk less and listen more). We also, need to trust our were born for this job so trust your gut...have no fear...and go for it!!! It is SO VERY important that we push our kids (and ourselves) to always matter if it is new and we make mistakes...that's where the REAL learning takes place. In the end it's not about what's's about the end product (our students success) that makes it totally worth it! Lastly, we need to remember that kids pay way more attention to what we DO than what we SAY! If we don't walk our talk...we lose credibility...and we work just too hard for that to happen! So make every moment count..and make it memorable!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

ONE Person CAN Make a Difference...And In Just 5 Minutes!

Since our RMS motto is "Be the ONE" I thought that this picture was a great reminder of what ONE person can do. ONE person can show, change, give, cure, offer, share, save, etc... It only take one, and this is a lesson that we must continue to model for our Longhorns. Have you ever hear the saying...your ACTIONS are speaking so loudly I can't even here the WORDS coming out of your mouth? Like it or not, they are watching us....I know scary....but they are. So that is all the more reason that we must MODEL what "being the one" looks like. It is having a filter...and using it. It is putting others feelings ahead of our own...even when we don't want too. It is going the extra mile...even when we are pooped. It is being flexible...when things don't go exactly as planned. It is about realizing that making a difference may only take 5 in the short video below. (It's one that I want you to show the kids during 3rd period...and have then write about it in their interactive teambuilding journal..write about ways they could/WILL make a difference in just 5 min right here at RMS this year).
Thanks for all you are doing... I LOVE the spirit that each of your teams are bringing on Fridays at our color chant pep rallies! And the moves that you are busting out at the end of the day! Fun times!!! Now that classes are getting leveled can get your teaching groove on! Go forth and do what you do best....push our kids to the highest academic level possible...and make a name for the RMS Longhorns starting year ONE! I have no fear that I have the right people on the bus to make that a reality! Enjoy this video from these inspiring kids from Australia....I expect the next video to be coming out of RMS! :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Not Everything That Counts...Can Be Counted!

Below is a video that some of you may have seen before. If not, you may need to grab a few tissues! It is the perfect example of the RMS way...putting the needs of OTHERS ahead of our own...because it's the right thing to do. (And no, it's not always the easiest thing to do.) That's how blessings work....the MORE you do for OTHERS expecting nothing in return...the more blessed YOU become! It means even more to see kids doing this, because they "learned" it from someone and I like to think that that "someone" just might have been a teacher like each of you. Our RMS Longhorns are watching...and soaking up EVERYTHING we say and it is our responsibility to model the "right" way to handle situations and examples of "paying it forward" moments...without expecting anything in return! I can't even begin to count the ways that this team has blessed me in the short time we have been together. Your hard work, flexibility, and understanding when things don't always go as planned...has meant so much to me. You are some of the funniest people I have had the pleasure of working with, and when I walked into that teacher workroom this past Friday morning to find ya'll "jamming" and made me love my job even MORE! A work family that can have fun together can get through anything, and will accomplish amazing things! I have no doubt that we are gonna knock the socks off of the well as set the bar SUPER high in every aspect for the rest of our Longhorns academic career in LCISD! I hope you had a chance to relax this earned it. We made it through the first two weeks, so by this week we are hoping to have the new sections opened up and classes leveled out. Now is the the time for all that planning to turn into great bell to bell teaching. See ya tomorrow for a marvelous Monday! BTW...I actually think that this video would be a GREAT teaching opportunity for our Longhorns...especially during 3rd period after the Longhorn Essentials! :) Feel free to use it as a conversation starter...modeling the "right way"....the "RMS way" of doing things that COUNT! :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Adjusting the Sails and Fitting It All In - The Mayonnaise Jar Story

WOW!! We (as one big RMS united FAMILY) made it through an exciting...exhausting...emotional... and oh so eventful first ever week of O-CEAN school! :) I can honestly say I couldn't have done it without all of YOU keeping calm and ROLLIN' with the waves! I really appreciate your positivity and flexibility as we continue to ADJUST our ensure the SEAS will be SMOOTH soon!
As educators, we know that the first week of school is always the craziest, throw in opening a new campus with a couple of comedy act "captains" (being Petunia and case you couldn't and that just might make you want to walk the plank! Lucky for you we have “life-savers”...just in case! :) This 3 day weekend came just in the nick of time and it was what each of us needed to refuel our Energy Bus back up! I hope you were able to relax this weekend and take a lesson from the "Mayonnaise Jar"'s about BALANCE! (my one-word) We have to successfully juggle the "big things" and the "little things"...and find a way to "FIT" it all in!! :) Thanks for being such an amazing team, it makes coming to work each day a lot of fun! :) See ya Tuesday...for a cup of coffee! :)
A professor stood before his philosophy class with some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was…
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was….
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up all the space between the pebbles and golf balls.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand, pebbles and golf balls. The students laughed.
‘Now,’ said the professor, as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things – family, children, health, Friends, and your favorite passions – the things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else–The small stuff. ‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ He continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.’ The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. So…
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. ‘Take care of the golf balls first — The things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.’
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled. ‘I’m glad you asked’. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Believe In Yourself ~You Are Bigger Than Any Obstacle!

Good evening RMS Family! Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime? The RMS Energy Bus is all gassed up and ready to roll into year one! Will it be perfect...not even close...but are we gonna give it our all...ABSOULTELY!!! There will be kinks, there will be hiccups....but BELIEVE ME when I say....we will get through it by sticking together as a team and success will find us! I have the right the right seats...on our bus! So keep that positive outlook, proactive approach to obstacles, and most importantly BELIEVE in our kids! Want a reminder...check out my friend Dalton Shermon, a keynote speaker for Dallas ISD! He made me a believer...and I'm sure he will make you one too! If after watching still don't believe in the impact you have each day...I heard Walmart is hiring! :) Check out his keynote below!

Game On ~ Back to School!

Game ON team! Those first day jitters are setting in, sweat on the brow from all that hard work preparing, and that nervous excitement of a brand new start in our brand new home is just around the corner...yeah, I'm talking about YOU not the kids! They have their own jitters! Will my teacher be nice? (of course) Will I know anyone? (by the end of the day, sure) Will I get lost? (heck yeah, we still do sometimes). The bottom line is we all have jitters...but by working together and helping each other out...we are bringing our "A Game"...creating the RMS legacy...and we will undoubtedly successsfully sail through this O-CEAN of a first week together! :) This will be the first year I have not seen my girls start school...and I am really struggling with the little one, since she is entering the big "K" this year! If I seem a bit's that not from our O-cean sea-sickness! lol
Now go 'em team! Go out there and be the next "Ms. Miner" to our RMS Longhorns...the first impression in the LASTING impression! See ya in the morning...hope you enjoy this letter as much as I did, it's our turn to "bring it"..that special "something" that makes kids just think you hung the moon... and I have no doubt that this is the team to do it!!
Why I Hated Meredith’s First Grade Teacher: An Open Letter to America’s Teachers By: Kylene Beers
When my first born headed off to first grade, 21 years ago, she held my hand as we walked down the hallway of Will Rogers Elementary School in the Houston Independent School District. We walked into Ms. Miner’s room and Meredith’s steps grew more hesitant. This wasn’t the University of Houston Child Care Center, the place she had gone for years while I was a doctoral student at UH. This place looked different – bigger, more official. There were big-kid desks pushed together in clusters. And though there were centers, they were not the dress-up center or the cooking center or nap center or water play center of the Child Care Center.
The room was filled with children she did not yet know, with books she had not yet read, with a math center that had lost-teeth and birthday charts, and with a big poster by the door labeled, “Our Classroom Rules” that was still blank. “I don’t want to stay,” she said. I didn’t want her to, either. I wanted her still with me, only me. I didn’t want to give up those first six years of childhood just yet, those years when her world mostly revolved around her parents and new baby brother and a silly dog with big ears and afternoons spent in our local library reading book after book after book or playing in our neighborhood park, sometimes just sitting on the grass, watching the ants march by. With every ounce of courage, I said, “Oh, you will love first grade. It was my favorite year in school. I loved my first grade teacher, Mrs. Allen, and I bet you are going to love Ms. Miner, too.” Meredith looked doubtful and so very small. And then Ms. Miner, long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, saw us, came over, and bent down to Meredith’s level. A first year teacher – the one I had told the principal that if he was willing to listen to requests I wanted – Ms. Miner was full of energy and excitement. She loved books, wanted to be a great teacher, and had obviously spent weeks making her room look inviting to these 22 six-year-olds.
“Oh, you’re Meredith! I recognized you from your picture! Come here and let me introduce you to some others. And let me show you all around the room. And, hey, you brought Corduroy as your favorite book and that’s one of my favorite books, too!”
And then, somehow, without me even realizing, Meredith’s small hand moved from mine to Ms. Miner’s and she was gone. She was swallowed up by the sheer joy this other woman brought into her classroom, into learning, and into my child’s life. “I guess I’ll be going now,” I said to Meredith who was busy putting school supplies away in her desk. “So, I’ll be just around the corner at our house,” I said blinking hard to keep away the tears.” I think she nodded. Perhaps she even paused to wave. My feet couldn’t move and Ms. Miner gently helped me and a few other moms out of the classroom. “She’s really shy,” I said to Ms. Miner just as Meredith sped by holding a new friend’s hand showing her “all these hooks where we can hang our backpacks.”
Meredith was breathless with excitement at the end of that day – every day – and by the end of the first week, our family had a new member: Ms. Miner. Each afternoon and for long into the evening, I had to listen to “Ms. Miner said . . .” and “Ms. Miner thinks . . .” and “Ms. Miner showed us . . .” and “Ms. Miner suggested . . .” and when I slipped and said, “Oh damn” at dinner burned in the oven, I was reminded that “Mom, Ms. Miner would never say . . . .” Right, I smiled through gritted teeth. ”Ms. Miner says that manners are important,” Meredith said as she explained why we must always put our napkins in our laps, something that I swear I had mentioned a million times.
For the entire year I watched my child fall in love with school, with learning, with figuring out, and most importantly, with her first grade teacher, Ms. Miner. Meredith, who had once hated ponytails, now only wanted to wear ponytails. And blue skirts, “just like Ms. Miner’s.” “And Mom, my name starts with an M and Ms. Miner starts with an M. Isn’t that great!! We match!” Yes, Meredith, just great. Really great.
Though I had been a teacher for years before having Meredith, before sending her off to first grade, I had never truly understood the power of a teacher in a child’s life. We give our most precious and priceless to you – dear teachers – each year, knowing you will teach them, but also hoping you will care for them, help them discover how very much they matter, watching over them, and being there when they have been hurt by the ones who won’t let them sit at the “popular” table – and then you do just that and they fall in love with you. It shows up in different ways, as they grow older. But it’s still there, this deep affection and respect. And, certainly, it’s harder to forge those bonds when there are 150 students instead of 22, when the day is fragmented into 45 minute segments, when education seems to be more about the test than the child. But I promise, underneath that bravado of the seventh grader or swagger of the tenth grader you will find that small first grader who wonders, “Will my teacher like me?” And when that child – that teen – knows that you believe he or she matters, then that student will do most anything for you.
To this day, Meredith remembers you, Ms. Miner, and to this day, I so hated how much she loved you that year. And, simultaneously, I am so grateful that she did.
And so, teachers, across this country during the next two weeks, most of you will be opening your classroom doors in a first-day welcoming for your students. As a teacher I am proud to stand beside you in all that you do. But as a parent, well, as a parent I stand in awe of all that you do. And to Ms. Miner, thank you!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Children Close Their Ears To Advice But Open Their Eyes To Example!

Faith...we all have to have a little FAITH...especially in our line of business. Parents are sending us the very best they have, and every one of them is "someone's kid" as a huge part of their day we must always keep that in mind and treat them (and model)respect as well as instill in them an attitude of BELIEF...that they can achieve anything they put their minds too! You will hear me say...over and over again that I have seen kids outperform their IQ time and time again...why??? For the sheer fact that their teachers made them feel that they BELIEVED in them and EXPECTED them to achieve. No matter what...they ALWAYS told them they COULD and WOULD find success (yes, even when they had doubts themselves...they knew the kids would never see or feel).
Did you know.... it's up to us to be that positive example for them! I couldn't be more proud to call you my team and I know that at RMS we are going to lead by example, practice what we preach, and BELIEVE in our kids by focusing on their strengths and not always their faults! Check out this story below...eye opening and sooooooo true! Have a marvelous Monday, and thanks soooo much for coming out for the meet and greet! It was a huge success thanks to your smiling faces and helping hands! It was noticed and very appreciated!  :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Have FAITH In Your PEOPLE And Give Them The TOOLS To DO Wonderful Things!

What an appropriate quote for us! At the retreat you were all given ipads...a really cool tool, no doubt, to get familiar and play with over the summer, so that you can come back with some amazing ways to utilize them in your classrooms! Yes, you were given a TOOL so that you can do wonderful THINGS with/for our RMS Longhorns! So as we are drawing closer to the beginning our inaugural year, I hope you have done just that. If not, you better get busy. I expect to see this tool as well as the many others that you have at your disposal used DAILY...not just by you but by the KIDS. When I look for tech use on PDAS it will always involve student use of tech...not so much you. Like the quote says...Ihave faith in YOU that you can do it! Will you be perfect? Maybe...but that's not what's important...what is, is that you are TRYING new things and growing. We are all going to be learning new things...yes me included! :) But you know what they say...practice makes perfect and with this Energy Bus team, I have no doubt we are gonna wrap the year up as tech savvy bus drivers! :)
I found this article on has a lot of great starting points for YOU and your TECH TOOL! Let me know which one you will be trying!!! i wanted to give major KUDOS to those of you that came to help out at the Parent Meeting! They were verty impressed by your positive energy and smiling faces! Keep it are already making us shine!!! Love it!!! See EVERYONE Thursday at the Meet and Greet, it's from 5-7, but I am asking thateveryone be in the library at 4:30pm for assignments. Thanks!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Be Thankful For What You DO Have...You Will End Up Having More!

Soooooo true! Below is a video I watched last week, and boy was it a great reminder of being grateful for what you have. These kids are amazing...if they can do ALL this...with soooo little then we can change the world at RMS! I have the highest expectations for us...our teaching...our united front...our through the roof  expectations...our relationship building, even us working our fingers to the bone! Yes, it will take LOTS of work year one to build this machine and its up to each one of us to stay on the positive road to get us there. We may not start out with all the bells and whistles that our two neighboring schools did, but when you feel like complaning you need to watch this video again! It's not about how much we HAVE....its about WHAT WE DO day in and day out...that really matters! We are going to work as a team and make a name for us year easing into this...we will be the shinest energy bus around! This Thursday from 6-7:15 is the parent info meeting, if you are bored and would be able to come and help with crowd control, I would really appreciate it! Expecting about 500+ in a cafe with 517 as capacity! EEEK! :)

Enjoy this is truly amazing!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Realize You Are the Author To Your Own Best Seller!

What is a leader? I feel leaders are everywhere. Leaders are the people that realize that their everyday positive CHOICES can and will shape their future into an amazing best seller! Everyone of us has the ability within us to be a leader, whether that is leading from a supervisory role like a principal, being a team leader at school, a captain of a sports team, being a role model for our students, or even when we lead our families..when no one can make a decision on where to eat. (you know that happens in your family too..ha-ha) We all have to be a leader at one time or another...the key is to stay positive and be a bit of a risk taker! I found this great article on Twitter and since RMS is going to be a "leading" campus that embaces technology, that will also involve utilizing social media. I am a huge fan of Twitter...I have read some of the best articles and connected with some extremely helpful and smart people on there. Twitter at RMS will be used as a positive communication tool for us with parents and the community. If you never heard of Wiffiti, you will! ( ) As I walk though your classrooms this year I will be snapping pics and tweeting them out with the hashtag #RMSROCKS and they will be scrolling in the office and other areas in the school for everyone to see what cool things you have going on in your room! You can do the same! Parents expecially LOVE seeing this! I have it set up in the front office already, so when you come back anytime after the 22nd of July to work in your rooms...take a peek! Please take some time to read this blog entry and see how YOU are going to be a social media leader in your classroom this year. I would love to hear your plans as we begin chapter 1 in the bestselling RMShmmm did I ever leave? Actually I did take 4 days at Lake LBJ...amazingly relaxing...found my retirement spot for sure! Now I think I will have to start playing the lottery...since all the houses..make that mansions...I loved were on Horseshoe Bay and Applehead! Gorgeous! I have also included a picture of my "coffee spot" each morning...who wants to join me??? :) See ya soon!
By Karin Hurt on July 4th, 2013 | Comments(8)
Leadership lessons from the online world extend beyond the content. Learn as much from watching what bloggers do, as what they say.
1. Say what matters: In social media, people say what they mean. Be as brave in your leadership as you are in your tweeting. Show up a little messy. Real attracts more than conformance.Attract followers by showing up real.
2. Build your own tribe: Social media leaders know they don’t need a title to be a leader. Some don’t even use their real name. In your daily leadership, lead from your passion. Start something you care about and see who shows up. Lead from where you are.
3. Take risks. Try new styles, new ways of leading. Meet new people. Twitter users move from tweets to phone calls to friendships.Try new ways of connecting in your leadership. Try new approaches.
4. Rankings don’t define you or your work: In business we often get hung up in our place in the organization structure or our position on the performance potential grid. The blogging crowd knows that even the most reputable lists are often subjective, and based on a variety of factors. Care less about lists and more about influence. Work toward influence not rankings.
5. Less is more: More words don’t mean better thinking. Streamline communication. Find the main idea. Take out extra words. Communicate in a way your followers can hear. Create“tweetable” leadership memories. Communicate to influence.
6. Engage conversation: Ask questions. Invite divergent views. Join conversations. Insert yourself into conversations that matter.
7. Attract creativity: Be interesting. Be different. Don’t fit in. Don’t just do your leadership equivalent of a “retweet.” Make a ruckus.
8. Share everything you know: Leadership is not a competition. It’s about influence, not credit. Share winning ideas. Spread the great ideas of others. Don’t hold back for the right time, or the right medium, or the right market. Put seedling ideas into the world so they can grow.
9. Seek out people to challenge you: Hang out with people who disagree. Find people who can make you better. Find out what you can do for them. Grow together. Look for mentors in unusual places.
10. Seek first to support: The social media crowd is based on giving. They tweet others as they would like to be tweeted. Bring more of that to your leadership. Offer guidance. Help others get established. Forget networking. Focus on collaboration. Give without expectation.
What have you learned about leadership through social media?
Karin Hurt is an experienced executive leading in a Fortune 15 company. Her blog, Let’s Grow Leaders, supports leaders at all levels experiencing important “in betweens” (new roles, organization layers, transformations, transitions, values clashes, and work & family). Connect with Karin at, on Twitter,LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Do More Waggin' & Less Barkin'!

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer break..relaxing, visiting extended family, reading a good book (like the Essential 55..yep there just might be a test), and recharging your batteries for a wonderful year one as the RMS Longhorns! I found this article "How I Created a Positive Classroom Environment" on Twitter and I absolutely LOVED it! Exactly the positive way to start our year off! When I first became an administrator, someone once asked me..."Would you want Sydney (my OWN kid) in that teachers classroom?" Whoaaaa! That was a turning point in my leadership career...made me really think about WHY (or WHY NOT) I would want my own two daughters in specific teachers classrooms. And here are my true and honest feelings. I have had the pleasure of working alongside and supervising some of the best teachers in the buisness. In that mix are teachers that are strong in content...teachers that are strong in relationships...and those that are strong in both! Some teachers are the BEST teacher of their content, but when it comes to relating to kids, caring, and not being afraid to SHOW that in their ACTIONS they are falling short. As much as I want my kids to recieve the BEST possible education, the relationship side will ALWAYS win out for me. Yes, that does mean that I would choose more of a novice teacher, if I feel that teacher "connects to kids." Now let me clarify that "connecting" does not mean lowering your means that a student that builds a relationship with a teacher will be more attentive, feel safe to take academic risks for the sake of learning, and will actually care more about not disappointing their teacher. I have seen it over and over outperforming thier IQ...because the expectation and relationship they have built with the kid! I can honestly say that after watching all these rockstar teachers out there..ones that have honed in on their content and learned to build true connections to kids...I would be a much stronger teacher and would focus so much more energy on the "waggin"! What I really hope you do is reflect on this, see how it might apply to "your style" and take a minute to ponder...what would you want for your OWN child? 
Below is the link to the short article that led to the loooooong email! haha Have a marvelous Monday team!