Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Favorite Teacher....What Teacher Changed Your Life?

Whew!!!! So this past week was one of my toughest yet. I needed at least 5 clones of myself...I kept getting drug under by the "currents" of craziness! Sometimes, no matter how much you are trying to look at the glass as half FULL and stay positive...some days will just be tough! The lesson have to BELIEVE that's going to happen and REALIZE that a bad day...even week... doesn't mean it's a bad life! I love this job, and swimmming in this OCEAN with some of the best "scuba divers" in the world...makes it do-able on those tough days!! We have to lean on each other sometimes...and admit when we are struggling! We are in this together...and together is where the success is! As Annie said, "The sun will come out tomorrow"....and boy was she right! My "sun" was a weekend, some beautiful COOL fall weather, and a cup of pumpkin spice coffee! Sometimes, we have to walk away and know that tomorrow is a new day...a day FULL of life changing possibilities...a day that we WILL be that "person" that changed a student's life! I found this video on Soul Pancake about people talking about their favorite teacher and telling why they were. Was it the knowledge they gave? The rules they enforced? Nope, what they remembered was the ones that "cared"...ones that were "good men".... "let them be way too silly"...."let them do projects with things they drawing"..."pick and choose own assignments"...were "supportive and lifted them up"....was "personable"...was "imaginative with a deep heart"'s that "care, cause you can't fake it" and lastly ones that "LOVE THE KIDS"! That's us....we HAVE to be here for these reasons! If you're here to collect a paycheck, you are in the wrong business...and on the wrong bus. This job is way too stressful and important to "coast"...we are changing lives just by showing up each day! So my expectation (and always will be) that we are doing the RIGHT thing and striving to get better everyday not because it is easier for us...but because it is RIGHT for kids! That being said, I want to say thank you for all the kid's lives you have touched in the past...all the kid's lives you are touching right now...and for those kids that will be lucky enough to have you in the future! I am proud to be your leader and promise to keep striving to be better at my job, (I am a huge work in progress) but maybe one day someone will say I made an impact on their life! My favorite teacher was Mrs. Burns in first grade, she was loving, supportive, taught me to love reading, and even gave me my FIRST spanking for chasing my friend Holly under the bathroom stalls! lol Oh, yes...I was "that kid"! Now, I have one question for you....who was your favorite teacher and why were they? I would love to hear about it! Shoot me an email! :) Have a marvelous Monday team...btw...I found some Pumpkin Spice I can spread a little "sunshine" onto you in the morning too!! See ya in the coffee room for a cup of "pumpkin-shine"! :) Enjoy the video!

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