Sunday, October 27, 2013

FOCUS on Your Potential....Instead of Your Limitations!

Wow, what a rough two weeks it has been! The bright side...we've made it 1/4 of the way through our first year together...and we are still standing...or swimming, depending on how you look at it! At our meeting on Wednesday we discussed TBU... “True But Useless” information. So this article by Jon fits perfectly in with where we are headed! We are starting a brand new nine weeks...and we must tune into our "zoom focus" to reach our goals! Zoom Focus helps us turn our ideas and goals into reality and results. Zoom Focus helps us focus on our priorities, execute, and create success while leaving the TBU info behind. Zoom Focus helps us take daily steps towards our big picture vision.
There are several steps for us to get there…
1. Creating our BIG picture vision…These are our teams goals…our hills to die on…it takes actions on everyone’s part to achieve this. Every RMS team member must contribute equally for this to happen.
2. Ask One Question…”what are the 3 most important things I need to do today? Now, commit to getting it done everyday before you leave.
3. Tune out Distractions…execute and accomplish you daily goals…then embrace the distractions (sometimes these distractors are what keep us sane) J
4. Busy….we are ALL busy…ask anyone what they need and they will most always mention...they need more hours in the day. We ALL need more time…but that's TBU...we can't increase the hours in a day but we can utilize the "zoom focus" method so we can achieve our goals and priorities within each 24 hour period.
5. Improve Daily! None os us are perfect...we can all improve! We must be “process” focused...take the necessary action steps…allow the data to drive our decisions and the results and growth will take care of itself!
Zoom Focus by Jon Gordon
“Vision without Execution is hallucination” – Einstein
I believe every one of us has a desire to accomplish great things, to do something meaningful, to have an impact. Yet, so many of us don’t take the actions necessary to create the success we desire. Then there are others who are very busy taking actions but the actions have nothing to do with their vision and goals. They’ve become lost in the busyness of life.
I have found that the key to individual and team success is to Zoom Focus. Zoom Focus helps you turn ideas and goals into reality and results. Zoom Focus helps you focus on your priorities, execute, and create success. Zoom Focus helps you take daily steps towards your big picture vision.
Now more than ever it is a time for action. It is a time for getting things done. It is a time to tune out the distractions and the noise from the doomsdayers and the naysayers and focus on what truly matters and what truly will help us create success. In this spirit here are a few ways to put Zoom Focus to work for you and your team.
Create your Big Picture Vision – This might be a goal or a dream. It might be a project that needs to be completed or a sale you are trying to close. It might be a company objective or a team mission. It might be a book you want to write, an initiative to improve your community, or a championship you want to win. Identify your vision and then you’ll be ready to Zoom Focus and take the necessary actions to get you there.
Ask One Question – Each day when you wake up in the morning ask the question, “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?” Then each day take action on those three things.
Tune out the Distractions – Turn off the television. Stop answering the phone. Don’t answer the email right now. Talk to your friend later. First, get things done. Execute, accomplish and then feel free to embrace the distractions.
Say No and Yes – My friend once told me, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” He reminded me that we need to stop scattering our energy and wasting our time on trivial things that have nothing to do with our vision and goals and start saying yes to our priorities and to what truly matters. Each day we must make choices and those choices including saying “no” to people and opportunities so we can say “yes” to the work we are meant to do and the success we are meant to create.
Focus on Daily Improvement – I see it in sports all the time. Teams focus too much on winning the championship and forget to Zoom Focus each day in practice. They are outcome focused not process focused. The key is to focus on improving each day and take the necessary action steps. If you incrementally improve each day, each week, each month, each quarter by the end of the year you’ll see remarkable results and growth. When you Zoom Focus on the process the outcome takes care of itself.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The POWER of Connection!

Love the quote from RIta....she was such an amazing woman..that left a ripple affect of GREATNESS! We have all had "that one kid" that in hindsight we would have handled the situation much differently...if only we had known the circumstances. We wouldn't have been so quick to sharp with our short with our patience...if we had "only known" what that kid/family was going through. Well the lesson in that is...we may NEVER know what that child is going (or gone) through...but if we treat each student daily with respect, dignity, and always keep an "eye" for what they are doing right vs what is going wrong...then we are "doing right by kids". We must continue communicating the high expectations we have here at RMS with our kids and parents. A very wise woman, once asked me...would you want Sydney Kate (who is my oldest daughter) in "that" teachers classroom...why or why not? Have you ever thought about it? Would you want a teacher to talk to YOUR kid "just like you do?" If the answer is no...then NOW is the time to change are hurting the kids. If the answer is yes...then you are a better person than me...I made plenty of mistakes like this when I was teaching and even when I became an AP. My tone would get the best of me, until I was shown another way to lead. It's not the yelling and condemeing that makes kids (and adults for that matter) follow the rules. It's actually the relationships you build with those people...the trust that forms..that's the "golden ticket". People (and especially kids)don't like to disappoint people that love and care about...and this is very important with our students. So tommorow...find that kid that you have almost lost hope in...and rekindle that flame in him/her...and most importantly be their CHAMPION...and NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP on them!. Thanks for all you are doing..we have almost made it through the first 9 weeks....keep paddling friends...the current is strong! Have a marvelous Monday and enjoy this story that I borrowed from a good friend...hope it speaks to you as much as it spoke to me! :)
Just Trying to Get Through...
Ryan Kennelly. There is always a reason why you remember their names, even when you've known thousands, tens of thousands of names. Ryan Kennelly. Football player. Second row. Third seat back. This is all I knew about him after the first six weeks of school.

I didn't know the color of his eyes. I didn't know that he loved to read. I didn't know his mom wasn't around. I just knew if he didn't care enough about language arts to stay awake in class, then I didn't care enough to wake him up. He had an F at midterm. That happens when you never complete any work. The afternoon after midterm reports went home, I flicked off my classroom light and turned to find a man standing in the classroom doorway. Ryan Kennelly stood behind him, his head down.

"Mrs. Ayres? I'm Ryan's dad." The work boots on his feet,along with his jeans and shirt were coated with dirt that can only come from hard work. He shook my hand. His hands were rough, but his fingernails were clean. "I wanted to talk to you about Ryan's grade."  His eyes were kind. He reached behind him and put his hand behind Ryan's shoulder, gently moving him up to the conversation. I noticed Ryan's eyes were the same warm brown as his dad's.

He wasn't the parent I expected for a kid who sleeps in class. I stumbled through explaining that Ryan didn't complete any work, so he was failing. Mr. Kennelly nodded. He squeezed Ryan's shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. "Why didn't you call me?" I didn't know five words could be filled with such disappointment. I couldn't answer him because the truth was so wrong:I didn't think you'd careHe spoke again, "Now he can't play football. It's the one good thing in his life right now.We're just trying to get through. If I knew, then I would have helped Ryan get his work completed. I just didn't know."

My stomach twisted, knowing the mistake I made was because of my own misjudgment. "I'm sorry," I said. Then I gave him the work which Ryan brought to school complete the following day. I went to the principal and admitted my mistake, showing Ryan's current grade now that the work was turned in. I wrote a letter, asking for Ryan to be allowed to return to the football team.

It's a mistake I didn't make again.We're just trying to get through, Mr. Kennelly's voice haunts me from time to time. Now, fifteen years later and a mother to four, I know what he meant.
Tonight I had a meeting with one of my kids' teachers. She's a first year teacher and, like every first year teacher, is making some mistakes. I'm on the other side of the table this time. I hope my eyes are kind.  For the entire meeting I can't shake Ryan Kennelly from my mind.
I extend grace.

"Tomorrow is a new day," I said. "Let's just be glad we're not brain surgeons. They don't usually get a second chance."  The new teacher smiles, even laughs a little.It's going to be okay.This is education at its finest -- learning and growing from our mistakes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Favorite Teacher....What Teacher Changed Your Life?

Whew!!!! So this past week was one of my toughest yet. I needed at least 5 clones of myself...I kept getting drug under by the "currents" of craziness! Sometimes, no matter how much you are trying to look at the glass as half FULL and stay positive...some days will just be tough! The lesson have to BELIEVE that's going to happen and REALIZE that a bad day...even week... doesn't mean it's a bad life! I love this job, and swimmming in this OCEAN with some of the best "scuba divers" in the world...makes it do-able on those tough days!! We have to lean on each other sometimes...and admit when we are struggling! We are in this together...and together is where the success is! As Annie said, "The sun will come out tomorrow"....and boy was she right! My "sun" was a weekend, some beautiful COOL fall weather, and a cup of pumpkin spice coffee! Sometimes, we have to walk away and know that tomorrow is a new day...a day FULL of life changing possibilities...a day that we WILL be that "person" that changed a student's life! I found this video on Soul Pancake about people talking about their favorite teacher and telling why they were. Was it the knowledge they gave? The rules they enforced? Nope, what they remembered was the ones that "cared"...ones that were "good men".... "let them be way too silly"...."let them do projects with things they drawing"..."pick and choose own assignments"...were "supportive and lifted them up"....was "personable"...was "imaginative with a deep heart"'s that "care, cause you can't fake it" and lastly ones that "LOVE THE KIDS"! That's us....we HAVE to be here for these reasons! If you're here to collect a paycheck, you are in the wrong business...and on the wrong bus. This job is way too stressful and important to "coast"...we are changing lives just by showing up each day! So my expectation (and always will be) that we are doing the RIGHT thing and striving to get better everyday not because it is easier for us...but because it is RIGHT for kids! That being said, I want to say thank you for all the kid's lives you have touched in the past...all the kid's lives you are touching right now...and for those kids that will be lucky enough to have you in the future! I am proud to be your leader and promise to keep striving to be better at my job, (I am a huge work in progress) but maybe one day someone will say I made an impact on their life! My favorite teacher was Mrs. Burns in first grade, she was loving, supportive, taught me to love reading, and even gave me my FIRST spanking for chasing my friend Holly under the bathroom stalls! lol Oh, yes...I was "that kid"! Now, I have one question for you....who was your favorite teacher and why were they? I would love to hear about it! Shoot me an email! :) Have a marvelous Monday team...btw...I found some Pumpkin Spice I can spread a little "sunshine" onto you in the morning too!! See ya in the coffee room for a cup of "pumpkin-shine"! :) Enjoy the video!