Well, this will be the last Monday Motivator of 2013...I can't believe we are about to start 2014! And with a new year...comes new and exciting things...and in order to stay on top of all the new and exciting things we must take a little time to "refill our own energy cup". That's what my hope is for all of you...to use the "GIFT" of time-off to SLOW down, leave the school stuff at school, and spend some much needed, (never promised), yet very deserved quality time with your loved ones. This is an ESSENTIAL piece to success and being able to come back and finish this inaugural year strong. If you don't take a little time for you...then you can't give your best to our Longhorns...and that is why we are here! So drink up the relaxation, and come back ready to hit the ground running, and "pour" that great teaching onto our kids, because we still have lots of work to do. :)
With that being said I found this video and it immediately reminded me of how I want (and strive) to live my life...by giving back to others. It demonstrates how powerful it can be when we take the time to find out "a little bit" about people...our kids...their families...and each other! So, sure...we can't create the SAME thing on this scale...but it doesn't have to be so grandiose...it's the "LITTLE" things that matter most! Building strong relationships with each other and having an attitude of gratitude is what it's all about. It's about taking care of business when one of your teammates is out, having no sub available and giving up your conference period for the team (like blue team this week), it’s about a simple thank you when someone does something for you, it’s about Core Team working hard (shopping and preparing) to make all the small daily treats happen for the 12 days of RMS Christmas, it's about Kynzi &Tim & Stu-co running the Jingle Horns clothing drive for Common Threads to give back to our community, and in the end....it's about EVERYONE pulling together to swim in this O-CEAN of first year chaos, excitement, and fortunately most days at LEAST one laughable thing to keep us sane! That's the "little" yet "so important" things that keep all our heads above water! Thanks for all you do and please KNOW that the extra effort you give is noticed and appreciated! Have a marvelous Monday team!